Shark Bite #4
Welcome to Shark Bite #4.
Take 3 for the Sea
We know we just covered Take 3 last month. But they’re doing some amazing things, and you should hear about it.
They just launched a pilot version of a project they’re dubbing “First Wave.” It aims to tackle tourism-generated litter in New South Wales, Australia. Their initial goal is to surpass the state’s goal of a 40% reduction in litter (hint: they’re going to crush it). Once the pilot program ends, they plan to share their learnings with the rest of Australia and the world to tackle tourism waste.
Why is this important? First off, 80% of all tourism takes place in coastal areas. And we know that plastic is a tremendous threat to our oceans. So reducing plastic waste in areas where billions of people travel every year would be a huge win for the oceans.
The Ocean Cleanup
Kia just signed a seven-year partnership with The Ocean Cleanup to provide funds and contributions to advance ocean cleanup technology and initiatives.
Though the amount of money is unclear, these added funds will help The Ocean Cleanup accelerate its plastic cleanup efforts, ridding the oceans of plastic even faster.
And as a bonus, Kia plans to integrate some of the recycled plastic into their supply chain, meaning your next Kia might be made with ocean plastic!
P.S. Mark your calendars – World Oceans Day is coming up on June 8th! We have a huge announcement coming that day :)
See you next time.